FEMA runs its Web page as a news site
Starting with this issue, GCN will periodically review government sites on the Web, chronicling new Web management ideas and the technology behind them. Best and worst features + Daily news appears on the front page and on lead pages of several sections. + The local communities library details things such as arson investigation resources.
Starting with this issue, GCN will periodically review government sites on the Web,
chronicling new Web management ideas and the technology behind them.
Best and worst features
appears on the front page and on lead pages of several sections.
+ The
local communities library details things such as arson investigation resources.
+ Visitors can request publications, free even of postal charges.
+ Visitors can e-mail the webmaster or public affairs officer by
filling out a form. The FEMA server handles the mail and displays a confirmation copy of
the message back to the sender.
+ The site lists disaster preparedness checklists.
+ Details are posted on approaching weather systems.
+ A simple chart any agency could emulate shows how FEMA departments
The visitor comments area isnt updated often enough, and
its mostly full of compliments. Real message forum software would be a plus.
The left-side button bar changes from page to page, confusing
visitors. When choices on the bar change, so should the colors.
Weather maps should appear on the Storm Watch jump page.
Visitors have to dig deep for them.
The extensive list of staff members by region and job title is
terrific. How about e-mail addresses for everyone?
Buttons at the top of the page get lost against the graphics.
Video clips in the library are old.
Related information
Traffic statistics for May 1998. | |
System details. Too many federal agencies use their Web sites as glossy brochures that serve up little Agency webmasters and content managers who post a color portrait of the boss on the Webmasters of the top sites have learned how to channel the most popular information The Federal Emergency Management Agency site at http://www.fema.gov is an outstanding When we started, we had a pretty traditional look, said Marc Wolfson, a In the redesign, FEMA officials took a lesson from CNN and USA Today, which run the One thing we liked about those sites was that when you went to the home page, you Placing breaking news up front gives visitors the impression that a site is FEMA decided the site was a source of public information, Wolfson said, and In other agencies you see the information technology people in charge of the Web Bell Atlantic Corp. maintains the server and applications. Artist subcontractors Wolfson gathers news from several sources each day. Official news includes notices from Next comes breaking news from field offices at disaster sites and then internal data Sometimes I feel like a city news editor, Wolfson said. The agencys intranet makes his job easier. He can quickly choose which internal Although news is first, other items arent relegated to the back seat. The front Page 1 has three columns. The right two contain news abstracts, each with a paragraph The entries jump off to pages with more details and pointers. Its a nice approach At the left side of the screen, the navigation bar presents choices that are slightly It would be nice to see search and help buttons added to the button bars in every The page looks slick without high-end graphics or frames. Its designed for easy But some pages, such as the preparedness section, frames would enhance navigation. You FEMA also uses its front page to highlight important initiatives such as Project Federal Web sites must serve three audiences: visitors who come for news, those who The front page of the FEMA site pretty well succeeds at serving all these audiences, To get staff names, be prepared to drill down about four levels, which is a bit too One trick to maintaining a site is to let other employees manage subsections. FEMA has Shawn P. McCarthy is a computer journalist, webmaster and Internet programmer for |