INTERVIEW: Col. Michael E. Ennis, Marine Corps' intelligence chief
Col. Michael E. Ennis is the commandant's director of intelligence for the Marine Corps. Ennis, who is awaiting promotion to brigadier general, previously was commander of the Joint Intelligence Center'Pacific in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Col. Michael E. Ennis
He joined the Corps in 1972 and entered the Foreign Area Officer program in 1978. Ennis studied Russian at the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, Calif., and at the Army's Russian Institute in Garmisch, Germany.
Ennis' tours include a stint as translator on the Washington-Moscow Hotline, a posting as the naval representative to the commander in chief of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, and as a temporary inspector for the On-Site Inspection Agency. He also spent two years as director of the Corps' Intelligence Division, and from 1995 to 1998 he was the senior intelligence officer on more than 12 missions.
A graduate of the Marine Corps' Amphibious Warfare School and Command and Staff College, Ennis also completed a one-year military fellowship at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
Ennis has undergraduate degrees from Concordia College of Morehead, Minn., in international relations and French. He has a master's degree in government and national security studies from Georgetown University.
GCN staff writer Tony Lee Orr interviewed Ennis by telephone.
GCN:'Why did the Marine Corps recently split off its intelligence organization from the command, control, communications and computers group?
GCN:'What effect does the change have from an information technology standpoint?
GCN:'Does maintaining a presence within the IT department help you with security, an issue that everyone is looking at with a magnifying glass?
GCN:'How will this play into your budget?
GCN:'What are the biggest challenges in revamping the way you do things?
GCN:'What can the civilian agencies glean from the Corps' reorganization?
' Family: Wife; a daughter, 18, and a son, 16 ' Pets: Dog and cat ' Car: Lexus RX300 ' Last book read: Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson ' Last movie seen: 'Gladiator' ' Leisure activities: Rollerblading, scuba diving and skiing ' Dream job: College professor |