INTERVIEW: Retired Col. Verle B. Hammond, master logistician
Connecting state and local government leaders
As president and chief executive officer of Innovative Logistics Techniques Inc. of McLean, Va., retired Col. Verle B. Hammond has charted Innolog's growth from eight employees and $250,000 in contracts in 1989 to 500 employees and $50 million annual revenues today.
Col. Verle B. Hammond
And, this happens to be the talented logistician's second career.
Hammond retired in 1984 as an Army colonel after 28 years of service in logistics and weapons systems acquisition.
He has been the recipient of numerous community honors for his entrepreneurial and technical skills and accomplishments.
Hammond has spent 44 years in the logistics business.
He has a master's degree in business administration from Florida State University and a bachelor's in mathematics and physics from Florida A&M University.
GCN chief technology editor Susan M. Menke interviewed Hammond by telephone.
GCN:'What does Innovative Logistics Techniques Inc. do for government agencies?
GCN:'All those contracts are for logistics?
GCN:'What sort of tools does a logistician use?
GCN:'Are logistics systems off-the-shelf or custom-designed?
GCN:'You've said that citizens have certain expectations for electronic government. What are they?
GCN:'How do you expect the new digital signature law to affect the way agencies do business and how people interact with government?
GCN:'How hard is it for a company such as yours to find IT workers compared with, say, the Army? Many vendors and agencies say it's their No. 1 problem.
GCN:'What's the answer for the military services?
' Family: Wife, three children, seven grandchildren, and many cousins, nephews and nieces ' Car currently driven:'Infiniti Q45 ' Last books read:'Slaves in the Family by Edward Ball and The Last Full Measure by Jeff M. Shaara ' Leisure activities:'Golf, racquetball and reading ' Motto:''If you work hard, treat others with dignity and respect, and always take care of business, success and happiness will come.' |
GCN:'I understand there's a war story about your very first contract.
NEXT STORY: Air Force taps SGI for early warning system