XML tools can tune up e-gov efforts
As the Web evolves toward greater use of electronic commerce, Extensible Markup Language has emerged as its lingua franca in waiting.
![]() | If your data is incompatible now, merely formatting it with XML tags won't magically make it compatible. |
Flying blind
' What is it? XML is a metalanguage that uses tags to describe the content of data in a document in much the same way that HTML formats the appearance of a document. Both are subsets of SGML. ' Why would you need it? XML can serve as the glue between various applications, making it easier to exchange data among products and to publish information in an accessible manner. It also can make creating Web pages easier for the developer. ' When wouldn't you need it? If you don't publish or gather data over the Internet and aren't currently developing an integrated information management solution with components from various vendors, then you can probably ignore XML. ' Price? The tools for implementing XML vary greatly and so do their prices. They range from free, downloadable XML editors'text editors with XML syntax built in'and other development tools to full content management suites that can cost tens of thousands of dollars. ' Status? Some of the most critical parts of XML, including the schema that will make it easy to exchange data among various applications from different vendors, are not yet standardized. So XML cannot instantly integrate incompatible data. But many vendors have promised to follow the World Wide Web Consortium's recommendations when they are finalized, which could happen as soon as this spring. ' Must-know info? As usual with a new technology, the hype exceeds the reality. In this case, XML can do all that its proponents claim'the exaggeration comes in the claims of how easy it will be to implement. |
No magic bullets
' Document Type Definition (DTD)'the language created by XML producs that describes the contents of SGML or XML documents. ' XML schema'a superset of DTDs written in XML syntax and created with XML tools. ' Document Object Module (DOM)'an application programming interface for accessing HTML and XML documents from a Web browser. ' Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)'the XML equivalent of the Cascading Style Sheet used with HTML, which XML also supports. XSL is an XML-specific style sheet format. ' Parser'a tool that finds XML tags, extracts the information they contain and passes them along to applications. ' Editor'a text editor that works within XML. |
' www.biztalk.org'BizTalk, a group organized by Microsoft Corp. that promotes XML. ' www.ebxml.org'ebXML is a joint effort of the United Nations Center for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business and OASIS (see below) for creating a set of specifications for electronic business. ' www.isoc.org'The Internet Society. ' www.oasis-open.org'OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards. ' www.voicexml.org'VoiceXML Forum, a group sponsored by AT&T Corp., Lucent Technologies Inc. and Motorola Inc. ' www.w3org/XML'The World Wide Web Consortium's XML page, site of the most official XML information. |
John McCormick, a free-lance writer and computer consultant, has been working with computers since the early 1960s.
Vendor | ProductPlatform | Platform | Description | Price |
Adobe Systems Inc. San Jose, Calif. 408-536-6000 www.adobe.com | FrameMaker + SGML | Windows, Macintosh, Unix | XML publishing | $1,449 |
Artesia Technologies Inc. Rockville, Md. 301-548-4000 www.artesiatech.com | TEAMS | Unix | Enterprise digital asset manager | $100,000 up |
Bluestone Software Inc. Philadelphia 610-915-5000 x3052 www.bluestone.com | Visual XML | NT, Solaris | Integrated development environment | Free download |
The Breeze Factor LLC Encinitas, Calif. 888-547-5620 www.breezefactor.com | Breeze XML Studio | Java | JavaBeans from XML creator | $495 up |
Chrystal Software Inc. San Diego 858-676-7700 www.chrystal.com | Astoria | Solaris, Windows | Enterprise authoring tool | $5,000 up |
CueSoft.com Inc. Brighton, Colo. 303-637-9807 www.cuesoft.com | Exml Editor | Windows | XML editor, tree or source view | Free |
CUEXml ActiveX 2.2 | Windows | XML parser and DOM components | $79 | |
DataChannel Inc. Bellevue, Wash. 425-462-1999 www.datachannel.com | DataChannel Server | NT, Solaris | XML enterprise portal | $100,000 up |
Eidon Lakeville, Minn. 612-461-4238 www.eidon-products.com | eidonXbase | Windows, Solaris | Database content management tool | $20 |
IBM Corp. Armonk, N.Y. 914-765-1900 alphaworks.ibm.com or www.software.ibm.com for DB2 XML Extender | XML for C++ | Windows, Solaris, Unix, Linux | C++ libraries with classes for parsing, generating and validating XML documents | Free |
XML and Web Services DE | NT, Win 2000 | XML Web development tools | Free | |
XML Diff and Merge Tool | AIX, Linux, NT | Reconciles, compares and merges XML documents | Free | |
XML Enabler | Java | Makes data viewable by any browser | Free | |
XML Generator | Java | GUI DTD editor | Free | |
XML Security | SuiteWindows, Linux | Supports digital signatures, encryption and access control | Free | |
DB2 XML Extender | Windows, Unix, Linux, Solaris, AIX | Adds XML document support to DB2 | Free | |
Infoteria Corp. Beverly, Mass. 978-922-4029 www.infoteria.com | iPex | C++ libraries for Windows, Unix | C++ XML processing engine | $150 up |
iMessenger | NT | Retrieves XML data e-mail | $1,200 up | |
Infrastructures for Information Inc. Toronto 416-504-0141 www.i4i.com | S4/Text | Microsoft Word | Forms XML editor working with Word | $7,500(includestraining) |
Interwoven Inc. Sunnyvale, Calif. 408-774-2000 www.interwoven.com | Ajuba2 | NT, Solaris, Red Hat Linux | XML author, server and manager | 30,000 up |
Intranet Solutions Inc.Eden Prairie, Minn. 800-989-8774 www.intranetsolutions.com | eXpedio | NT, Win 2000, Unix, Linux, Solaris | Content management and publishing | $40,000 up |
Microsoft Corp. Redmond, Wash. 206-936-7329 www.microsoft.com | Microsoft XML Parser in Java | Windows | XML parser | Free |
Biztalk Jumpstart Kit | NT | Uses Biztalk schemas and Microsoft software to build Web pages | Free | |
Open Text Corp. Waterloo, Ontario 800-499-6544 www.opentext.com | Aelfred | Java | DTD-aware XML parser | Free |
Sax | Windows | Simple API for XML driver | Free | |
Near and Far Designer XML | Windows | XML modeling and authoring tool | $99 up | |
SoftQuad Software Inc. Toronto 416-544-9000 www.softquad.com | XmetaL 2.0 | Windows | XML editor | $495 |
Software AG USA San Ramon, Calif. 925-242-3700 www.softwareagusa.com | XML Starter Kit | NT, Unix | Database and development environment | Free 90-day trial |
Tamino | NT, Unix, Linux, OS/390 | Native XML database server | $25,000 per CPU; $40,000 for Solaris |
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