Sentinel project to replace FBI's abandoned Virtual Case File effort
<font color="CC0000">(UPDATED)</font> ' The FBI is poised to launch what it calls the Sentinel project to build, among other things, a case management system to replace the defunct Virtual Case File system.
The FBI is poised to launch what it calls the Sentinel project, a procurement that will build, among other things, a case management system to replace the defunct Virtual Case File project, officials said.
Bureau officials have been using the Sentinel moniker for the service-oriented architecture project since last month. They confirmed the details of the project on the condition that their names not be used. Sentinel is to be designed along the lines of the Federal Investigative Case Management Solution, which will provide a blueprint for federal law enforcement case management systems. Officials said they expect to issue an RFP this summer, or at the latest by Sept. 30.
Using the name Sentinel "helps remove any confusion about what FICMS is and what the actual solution for the FBI will be," said William Price Roe, senior policy advisor for Justice's CIO, Vance Hitch.
Roe added that Sentinel is "the first implementation of an FICMS framework. Because of the service oriented architecture, other agencies will be able to use the core solution.
As for Sentinel itself, "It's a new name," Roe said. 'We had to work with the appropriators and the Office of Management and the Budget to make sure they were on board with our general approach. The name is something after the fact.
"We have been briefing people on the Hill and in OMB about the plans for this project and will continue to do so. Most of the interest is on what the FBI is doing" to apply technology to its mission, Roe said.
Bureau director Robert Mueller III has not yet announced the beginning of Sentinel, though he outlined the technology direction of the project in testimony before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, State and Justice in March. During that testimony, Mueller unobtrusively signaled that the FBI would abandon VCF.
Though he said in his written statement that, "We continue to work daily on the VCF issue," Mueller tolled the death knell for the project in his responses to questions from the panel.
Mueller cited a December 2004 consultant report on VCF that said it "was not scalable and that the engineering was not what it should be in order to make it the effective tool for the FBI, and it requires us now to go a different route." Later in the same response, Mueller said, "I am tremendously disappointed that we did not come through on Virtual Case File."
A VCF pilot project continued as planned until April 15, according to the bureau and Science Applications International Corp., the prime contractor for the effort. As late as last week, SAIC spokesman Jared Adams said the FBI had not officially informed the company that there is no chance that the bureau will choose to complete VCF.
Mueller admitted in Senate testimony in January before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that the bureau had squandered $104 million on VCF software that will not be reused.
FBI officials said Sentinel would provide the bureau's special agents and other employees with:
- automated workflow tools
- search capabilities
- record and case management tools and
- reporting protocols.