Reorganization would shake up IT
Homeland Security Department secretary Michael Chertoff's planned reorganization, aimed at aligning resources to threats, will challenge the department's technologists to reshape their systems and chains of command.
Homeland Security Department secretary Michael Chertoff's planned reorganization, aimed at aligning resources to threats, will challenge the department's technologists to reshape their systems and chains of command. It also would have the effect of flattening the department's administrative structure.
As the simplified reorganization chart shown here depicts, the department will have about 14 major agencies reporting to Chertoff and deputy secretary Michael Jackson. Fourteen small-scale agencies will also report to the secretary's office.
Chertoff plans to create three new major organizations: the Preparedness Directorate, the Intelligence and Analysis Office and the Screening and Coordination Office.
The Preparedness Directorate will oversee a new Chief Medical Officer Office, a new assistant secretary for grants and training, the assistant secretary for infrastructure preparedness, the U.S. Fire Administration'formerly under the Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate'the assistant secretary for cyber and telecommunications, and the national capital region director.
Chertoff plans to eliminate the Border and Transportation Security Directorate and the Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Directorate, as well as the Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate.
The department has not yet announced whether the U.S. Visit program office will be under the Screening and Coordination Office or retain its independent reporting relationship with the secretary's office. U.S. Visit program officials themselves said they had not heard from headquarters what the ultimate reporting structure would be.
The chart below provides the names of officials who likely will retain their current responsibilities in the reorganized department. Several of the new components have not yet been assigned directors or CIOs.
Department officials have said they will create additional CIO slots for the new components as required.
Who's in charge
The proposed reorganization at DHS will add three new major agencies; additional CIO slots will be created as required.
Secretary: Michael Chertoff
Deputy Secretary: Michael Jackson
Undersecretary for Management: Janet Hale
Department CIO: Scott Charbo
Directorate CIO: Joe Peters
Undersecretary for Science and Technology: Charles McQueary
CIO: Deborah Diaz
Undersecretary for Policy: (Pending)
Commandant of the Coast Guard: Adm. Thomas Collins
CIO Rear Adm.: Ron Hewitt
Undersecretary for Preparedness:(Pending)
Other offices reporting to the secretary: General Counsel, Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Inspector General, Director of Counternarcotics, Ombudsman of Citizenship and Immigration Services, Director of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Labor Relations Board, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, Chief Privacy Officer, Chief of Staff, Executive Secretary, Military Liaison, Director of Operations Coordination
Assistant Secretary, Office of Intelligence and Analysis: (Pending)
Screening and Coordination Office: (Pending)
Federal Laws Enforcement Training Center Director: Connie Patrick
CIO: Sandy Peavy
Transportation Security Administration Director: Edmund 'Kip' Hawley
CIO: David Zeppieri
Customs and Border Protection Commissioner: Robert Bonner
Acting CIO: Rod MacDonald
Secret Service Director: W. Ralph Basham
Acting CIO: Cornelius F. Tate
Citizenship and Immigration Services Acting Director: Robert Divine
CIO: Tarrazzia Martin
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Commissioner: Julie Myers (Nominated)
CIO: Luke McCormack
FEMA Director: Mike Brown
CIO: Barry West