Register for the 2018 Code for America Summit

Code for America founder and executive director Jennifer Pahlka speaks at the 2016 Summit in Oakland, California. Code for America / YouTube
Mark your calendars and join us in Oakland, California.
All of us at Route Fifty and Government Executive Media Group are excited to be partnering with Code for America to host CfA’s 2018 Summit in Oakland, California. Registration is now open for the 2018 summit, to be held May 30 to June 1 at the Oakland Marriott City Center.
While speakers, discussions and other events are still in the planning stage, here’s some of what’s on tap for the 2018 Code for America Summit.
Every Summit has covered, in its own way, digital capability in government. In 2018, we’ll be meeting, talking and learning about how to make progress sustainable through topics like hiring, training and integrating new skills and expertise in existing organizations as well as new ones.
In 2018, we’ll be exploring what it looks like when government starts to design policy with tech at the table. How can policy design become more user-centered, data-driven and iterative? And how could that lead to better outcomes?
Three years after the launch of and a different Federal approach to technology delivery, what does the state of the government technology market look like? Government procurement officials, nonprofits, think-tanks and vendors new and old will explore what’s worked about a shift toward user-centered, agile procurement and what hasn’t and how the ecosystem can be improved for better results all around.
Lastly, Code for America’s roots have always emphasized the “by the people” part of “for the people and by the people." In 2018, you’ll learn from amazing stories of success over the past year of citizen engagement and how the idea that no-one’s coming: it’s up to us is a template for effective, positive collaboration.
It’ll be three great days of ideas, innovations and insights for civic technologists and others who want to improve the way government uses technology to improve public services and communities.
Stay tuned for more in the coming months as the program takes shape!