States rap DHS info-sharing
State officials in charge of intelligence fusion centers say numerous federal information-sharing systems and programs don't mesh with state and local data sources.
State officials in charge of intelligence fusion centers told Congress yesterday that numerous federal information-sharing systems and programs don't mesh with state and local information sources, which in turn aren't connected with one another. They also condemned federal methods of withholding information from state and local officials on the grounds that it is classified.
The state fusion center officials spoke during a hearing of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing and Terrorism Risk Assessment.
Col. Kenneth Bouche of the Illinois State Police said in his statement, 'It truly dismays me to think that five years after the September 11 attacks, we are still not where we should be regarding the exchange of information needed to prevent and respond to attacks and possible threats against our communities.'
Bouche, like the other witnesses, cited the importance of state fusion centers in helping state, local, city and regional agencies pool their resources, especially within their own areas. States, cities and regions have already established or planned some 42 fusion centers, which merge information from multiple agencies to respond to all types of hazards.
But he joined other state officials in condemning Washington's penchant for needlessly classifying information. 'The present system is archaic and designed to keep information secret, and this system does not work in the current information-sharing environment.' Bouche said.
'Additionally, federal security clearances are not recognized between agencies, and the process for local, state and tribal officials to receive a clearance is cumbersome and frequently takes multiple months or years to complete,' Bouche said in his written testimony.
Bouche called the need for a consolidated information sharing environment 'a priority issue,' and listed existing systems that don't directly connect or don't connect at all:
- Regional Information Sharing Systems
- Law Enforcement Online
- Homeland Security Information Network
- International Justice and Public Safety Information Sharing Network.
NEXT STORY: A clear message