Cross-Sector Collaboration

Making AI better than us—What could possibly go wrong?

COMMENTARY | Trained on data scraped from all corners of the internet, today’s generative AI applications are rife with biased data. Developing a trustworthy AI framework requires cross-sector collaboration.

Detroit Gears Up for Decennial Effort to Avoid Census Undercounting

In a city with a long history of population losses, Mayor Mike Duggan announces the city’s point person to lead community outreach to promote the 2020 count.

Surveying the Public in a City Being Used as Federal Drone Testing Site

Taking the temperature of San Diego residents before UberEats starts deploying delivery drones to the skies.

A Neighborhood-Driven Approach to ‘Smart City’ Technology

2018 NAVIGATOR AWARD WINNER: José Serrano-McClain, former Project Manager, NYCx, Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Officer, City of New York.

9 Cities Selected as 2018 Bloomberg ‘Mayors Challenge’ Winners

Each of the cities, part of “a coast-to-coast civic-solutions laboratory,” will receive $1 million in funding.

How a Midsize U.S. City Is Preparing to Host One of the World’s Largest Sporting Events

The IAAF track-and-field world championships are still three years away. Local officials in Eugene, Oregon may be “slightly nervous” but are embracing an “opportunity to really shine.”

‘Government Is What We Do Together That We Can’t Do Alone’

As civic technologists gather for this year’s Code for America Summit, there are some key themes worth repeating.

Exploring Pittsburgh’s War Monuments and Memorials Inventory

The city's guide currently includes 120 locations and is still a work in progress.

How N.Y.C. Is Forging Strategic Partnerships to Address Its Affordability Crisis

The city is already expanding access to computer science education and mental health treatment.

Solar Designation Program Taps 200th U.S. Community

SolSmart’s 200 designees are located in 35 states and the District of Columbia, encompassing more than 59 million Americans.

Cities Competing to Conserve the Most Water

Since its inception seven years ago, the National Water Pledge Campaign has collected more than 1.6 million commitments to conserve more than 8 billion gallons.

Wringing Out New Truths From Data: Tracking Social Progress in Cities

Urban designers are ready to help cities learn from each other, combing through data both old and new.

Pittsburgh Airport Partnership Will Create Testing Ground for New Technology

Artificial intelligence could soon make its way into the aviation space through a collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University.

5 U.S. Cities Named Finalists for Engaged Cities Award

These localities have done “significant work with citizens to tackle a public problem, clear evidence of impact, and potential to apply the strategy to other problems and geographies.”

Investments in the Arts Strengthen Local Economies and Communities

Kate Levin, head of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Arts Initiatives, explains why civic art is about more than simple beauty.

Miss Our ‘City in Beta’ Tech Roadshow Event in San Jose?

If so, be sure to register and watch the digital edition on April 11.

Enthusiastically Embracing a Job Never Finished

Ahead of Route Fifty’s “City in Beta” event, San Jose Deputy City Manager Kip Harkness outlines how the city is working to become “as innovative as the Silicon Valley population we serve.”

This City’s ‘Windows on the Past’ Is Way Cooler Than Most Local History Murals

Instead of an empty brick wall, this mural takes shape on a distinctive architectural landmark.