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Chabeli Carrazana


A bigger child tax credit isn’t coming. The Senate just voted against it.

The bill, which passed the House earlier this year, would have aided 16 million children. But Senate Republicans said it could disincentivize work and hand the election to Democrats.


The results of the biggest study on guaranteed income programs are finally in

For three years, 1,000 people received $1,000 per month—no strings attached. They took better jobs. Some went back to school. Others started opening businesses.


States are required to background check child care workers. Many are falling short.

Dozens of states are out of compliance with at least one component of a federal law’s requirements, a congressional report found. But the problems are so complicated, it’s unclear if anyone has a solution.


Child care costs would fall for low-income families under new rule in government program

The Biden administration plans to strengthen the Child Care & Development Block Grant with easier access and copayment caps for families, along with more payment stability for child care providers.


New Executive Order Could Expand Access to Child Care and Long-Term Care

The order, signed Tuesday, comes after the president was unable to get through Congress a $400 billion package in 2021 that would have transformed the nation’s caregiving infrastructure. 


A Historic Child Care Investment Saved Centers From Collapse. What Happens When the Money Runs Out?

One year after the passage of the American Rescue Plan, child care centers said the money has stabilized the industry after near collapse. But advocates worry about what will happen once the money runs out.


Travel Nurses Saw a Pay Increase During the Pandemic. They Could Lose Those Benefits

Travel nurses, who are in high demand and earning as much as twice their pre-pandemic wages, are in an uproar after legislators call for an investigation that could lead to lowering their pay.


At-home Businesses Are Growing. Women and People of Color Benefit the Most

The pandemic has fueled the passage of new ordinances in cities and states allowing entrepreneurs to set up businesses from home — a boon for women and people of color who face systemic barriers.


‘Am I Even Fit To Be a Mom?’ Diaper Need Is an Invisible Part of Poverty in America

Parents cannot use federal aid to pay for diapers, and are often forced to come up with other solutions, using maxi pads or towels to keep their children clean and dry. In rural America where aid is even harder to access, tiny diaper banks are the only lifeline.


September Saw One of the Biggest Drops in Women’s Jobs Since Pandemic Began

More than 300,000 women left the labor force last month, the second time in the pandemic that the start of a new school year and loss of child care has caused a major drop-off of women from the workforce.


Can the US Create Universal Pre-K Without Repeating Past Mistakes?

A proposed $450 billion investment in child care and preschool could fundamentally change the nation’s approach to early learning — but getting the right money to the right people is complicated.


The Government Has Fallen Short on Contracts With Woman-Owned Businesses for Decades

Historic barriers have blocked women-owned small businesses from winning federal contracts, according to a new report.


Summer Camps Haven’t Fully Recovered. That Could Hurt Working Moms.

Without a full return of summer programs this year, working moms face months of uncertainty that could further splinter their relationship with the workforce.


Child Tax Credits were Expanded to the Poorest Families for the First Time. Most of them Still Can’t Get the Money

The historic expansion of the child tax credit this year could slash child poverty in half, but only if the poorest families can access it. Reaching them is a massive task the country has never taken on.


The Keys to Fixing Child Care are Now in the Hands of States. They May not be Ready for the Task

Biden’s American Rescue Plan allocated $39 billion for child care — a historic infusion. But states are relying on small staffs, old systems and a short timeline to get the money out equitably.


Child Care Benefits at Work: This App Helps your Employer Pay Your Family and Friends for Babysitting

Helpr, one of the fastest growing apps offering backup child care, is behind new legislation in California that would require big employers to give their workers subsidized backup care.


A First-of-its-kind Investment in Home Care is in the Works. But Will it be Enough?

The American Jobs plan would allocate $400 billion to assist in home health care, a historic investment, but one expert says it may not be enough.


In November, Men Dropped Out of the Workforce at Higher Rates than Women

November was the first time in what has been dubbed the first female recession that men suffered greater losses than women. About 347,000 left the labor force.


Women Gained Back Jobs in October, But Slowly

The unemployment rate for women fell to 6.5 percent, but it remains in high single digits for Black and Latina women.


865,000 Women Left the Workforce Last Month

Overall, 661,000 jobs were added in the U.S. labor force between August and September—but women still left it at alarming numbers.