Author Archive

Frank McDonough


Another View: E-government is changing

he U.S. government is not the only one trying to figure out the next steps in e-government, outsourcing and communications.

Digital Government

Another View: The perils of cross-government IT

Most government organizations have made good progress over the past 10 years in building portals, placing forms on the Internet for electronic access, and handling simple, individual transactions such as submitting tax returns through intermediaries. Some now say we are passing through the low-hanging-fruit phase. The 'easy' work is behind us.

Digital Government

Another View: You'll just know when it's time to go

Search the subject of retirement on the Internet and you find most responses provide computational models to help you decide whether you have enough money to retire. The human, emotional side is rarely addressed.

Digital Government

It took 20 years to build a community

"Perfect storm" conditions are converging for integrated e-government.