Author Archive

John L. Guerra

Digital Government

Officials to use employee plan to push health IT standards

Managers of the 8-million-member Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan say they can use its market power to move the nation's health care providers to adopt standardized electronic records and interoperable IT platforms.

Digital Government

OPM looks to federal health plan to promote health IT interoperability

The Office of Personnel Management will promote adoption of interoperable health IT systems by offering incentives to providers in the Federal Employee Health Benefit plan.

Digital Government

FAA: Aged mainframes are good to go for 2000

The old IBM Corp. mainframes that the Federal Aviation Administration uses to host directional and radar applications for the nation's air traffic control systems are ready for the year 2000, an FAA official said last week. We looked at over 1 million lines of microcode in the hosts and found that it will transition to the millennium in a routine fashion," FAA spokesman Paul Takemoto said.

Digital Government

Data from Indian Affairs GIS helps 200 tribes manage their land

A tribe can get information only about the land it owns. American Indian tribes now have access to a geographic information system for land planning, thanks to a free service from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. The bureau's Geographic Data Service Center in Denver maintains a database of aerial photographs, maps and other data sets that tribes nationwide can access with minimum technology, bureau officials said.

Digital Government

HHS wants feedback on a new identification system

The Health and Human Services Department, which Congress has charged with creating a health care identification numbering system, wants to get the public's view of a new national ID. In its 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Congress directed HHS to come up with what it called Unique Health Identifiers for all citizens. The UHI numbers would let the government, health insurers, hospitals, doctors and health researchers track peoples' medical histories from birth to death.

Digital Government

DLA swats at E-Mall's bugs

E-Mall items can be bought using IMPAC credit cards or via the Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure, a DLA official says. The Defense Logistics Agency's E-Mall is running into technical problems on the user side, a DLA official said. E-Mall, a Web site that gives military personnel worldwide access to more than 2.4 million parts and products in vendor and government supply databases, needs minor engineering improvements, DLA analyst

Digital Government

INS moves into Phase 2 of its modernization effort

To help it meet the requirements of new crime and immigration legislation, the Immigration and Naturalization Service will integrate some of its existing systems and add new modules. To do this work for the second phase of the Service Technology Alliance Resource (STAR) program, INS late last month awarded contracts jointly worth $750 million to Computer Sciences Corp., Electronic Data Systems Corp. and Lockheed Martin Corp.

Digital Government

Leong-Hong is chief information officer for Defense Security Service

Belkis Leong-Hong has left the Pentagon. Today, she begins her new job as chief information officer for the Defense Security Service. For the past three years, Leong-Hong has been deputy assistant secretary of Defense for command, control, communications and intelligence plans and re sources. At DSS, she will also be deputy director and oversee 3,000 em ployees, many of them investigators.

Digital Government

Raines resigns, will return to Fannie Mae

Franklin D. Raines, director of the Office of Management and Budget for the past eighteen months, is returning to the private sector. Raines will leave OMB May 20 to become chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Fannie Mae in Washington. He had been vice chairman of Fannie Mae before taking the helm of OMB in September 1996.