Housing authority looks to AI for voucher processing

Kunakorn Rassadornyindee/Getty Images
Columbus wants to use an artificial intelligence-based solution to off-load routine tasks from staff and accelerate Housing Choice Voucher processing.
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority is requesting an artificial intelligence solution to automate routine processes.
The Housing Authority was formed in 1934 to provide federally-subsidized housing assistance to low-income families in Columbus and Franklin County, Ohio. Now, its 70-plus employees manage over 4,000 housing units and administer approximately 13,800 Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s program to help very low-income families, the elderly and disabled to afford private market housing.
To increase efficiency and reduce employees’ manual work, the Housing Authority is looking for an AI-based solution that could off-load routine tasks and accelerate processing related to HCV, according to a May 10 request for proposals.
The proposed AI-based solution must automate routine tasks such as document classification, data extraction and processing and be able to review documents for completeness, rejecting or approving them based on completeness.
Any suggested system must create fillable and signable templates and documents and allow clients and landlords to securely upload and receive documents through a user-friendly and accessible client portal. An AI chatbot for the Housing Authority website is also required.
Letters and reminder notices to landlords and clients must be sent automatically via email, text, phone call and letter. If clients and landlords do not have email addresses, the system must create one for them.
The solution must connect to the Housing Authority's API to process background checks and upload documents received by the AI. It must also integrate with other Housing Authority applications, such as case management software and financial systems.
In addition to delivering program performance and compliance reports, proposers should also provide data analytics services, such as dashboards and other visualization tools that help analyze the data generated by the AI solution and help make data-driven decisions.
Proposals are due June 1.