
Emails reveal how health departments struggle to track human cases of bird flu

Farm owners' resistance to tracking human bird flu infections is creating significant gaps in disease surveillance. But forcing farmers to submit to testing could reignite a backlash against public health efforts.

The states where climate progress is on the ballot

Getting laws passed is one thing. Protecting them from Republican opposition is another.

Little-noticed statehouse races could reshape election policies next year

In several swing states, control of legislative chambers—and agendas—is on the ballot in November.

Move over, presidential race. These state governments also are up for grabs.

Thousands of state lawmakers are on the ballot, and control of some statehouses hangs in the balance.

Court boosts authority to prevent mammoth tides of manure from contaminating water

The Michigan court ruling emboldens the movement to limit pollution from concentrated animal feeding operations.

Michigan to hunt down sexual offenders who fled the state

The operation is a partnership with county prosecutors and the U.S. Marshals Service to locate and return fugitive sexual offenders with outstanding warrants to Michigan. It is the first partnership of its kind in the county—one Michigan hopes other states will replicate.

At a time money for local elections is scarce, this city found savings

An analysis of different voting model in Michigan's February primary found that communities that joined forces reaped economies of scale. But encouraging voter turnout was another matter.

Support for rooftop solar outpaces other energy infrastructure

A new survey assessed support of local government officials in Michigan for solar, wind and nuclear energy infrastructure and power transmission.

In one city, litter meets its mechanical match

A pilot program in Detroit has enlisted a trash removal robot to reduce plastic pollution on the beach from entering local waterways.

Sunshine Week brings attention to state efforts to overhaul open records laws

As technology renders decades-old open records policies obsolete, states look to overhaul them. It is pitting government officials against good-government groups and reporters.

Michigan governor proposes a caregiver tax credit—an idea many Americans support

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is proposing a $5,000 tax credit to support caregiving services like counseling and transportation.

Federal money could supercharge state efforts to preserve nuclear power

A plant in Michigan might become the first in the nation to reopen after closing.

Medication aides could help states remedy health care worker shortages

Nursing homes are squeezed between a workforce shortage and a swelling older adult population. States are trying to address both issues with one solution: medication aides.

Michigan to transition the state’s fleet to zero emission vehicles by 2040

The conversion to ZEVs can help reduce gas and vehicle maintenance costs, reduce pollution and improve public health, some say.

Michigan to automatically register people to vote when exiting prison

The law signed this week is the first in the nation and expands the state's Department of Corrections’ current effort to restore voting rights to returning citizens.

Should public officials be allowed to block constituents on social media?

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to answer that question as a new term gets underway. The justices will hear two cases on the issue out of California and Michigan in which lower courts ruled differently.

With New Power in 4 States, Democrats Prepare to Push for Previously Blocked Priorities

After key midterm wins, the party will gain additional “trifectas” in 2023, holding both legislative chambers and the governor’s office. The change will unlock new policymaking possibilities.

Michigan Test Drives Country’s First Mobility Officer

Trevor Pawl hopes transformations in the automotive industry will also help state government replace “Depression Era departmental structures” with more nimble organizations.

Republican Election Deniers Rack Up State Level Primary Wins

Former President Trump's clout in state elections was on display this week. In Arizona, his picks for governor and five seats in the legislature won their primaries. In Michigan, five of 10 Trump-endorsed legislative candidates on the ballot prevailed.

How to Run for Reelection With a Blocked Agenda

After Democratic governors in Kansas, Michigan and Wisconsin rode a blue wave into office four years ago, their priorities hit a red wall in their GOP-controlled legislatures. But experts say they still have a shot at winning second terms. Here’s why.